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Research Integrity Training FY 2024

An APRIN e-learning course on research integrity will be implemented at Kyoto University.

In accordance with its Action Plan for the Promotion of Research Integrity, Kyoto University provides mandatory research integrity training for faculty members and researchers in the form of an APRIN e-learning program.

The APRIN e-learning course must be taken at least once per specified three-year period. FY 2024 is the first year of the three-year period 2024–2026. All faculty members and researchers are therefore required to take the course, including those who have taken the course previously.

Graduate students will be notified of their e-learning account via email at the time of their enrollment. In addition to the courses provided by Kyoto University, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science provides the e-Learning Course on Research Ethics (eL CoRE), which students take after tutorials or as a liberal arts and general education course. Please take at least one of the e-learning courses during your enrollment, as directed by your academic advisor.

The course is not mandatory for undergraduate students, non-regular students (research students, auditing students, etc.), and non-research staff, but such persons are recommended to take the course electively, and all persons who will co-author an academic paper must take the e-learning course in advance.

Course materials

Please take the relevant course from the following three courses:

Deadline for taking the course

Currently employed faculty members and researchers are requested to take the course as soon as possible. New employees are requested to take the course within approximately two weeks of their date of employment.

Persons who are required to take the course

Please see the Research Integrity Training (eAPRIN) FAQ for details of the specific job titles of faculty/researchers who are required to take the course.

How to take the course

Visit the APRIN e-learning program website (https://edu.aprin.or.jp), enter your username and password to log in to the system. Please take the course as per the instructions contained in the course manual. Please note that the username and course manual differ depending on the designation of the individual taking the course.


Points to note

Reference materials